101 Digital Marketing concepts hacks to market you market

Example 1: Conversion Funnel

* Top Funnel (Awareness): This is where users become aware of your brand or product, often through social media, ads, or content marketing.
* Middle Funnel (Consideration): Users are considering your product. They might be engaging more deeply with your content, signing up for newsletters, or exploring your website
* Bottom Funnel (Conversion): This is where the actual conversion happens. Users make a purchase, sign up for a service, or take the desired action.

Example 2: SEO Success Factors

* Content: Quality and relevance are key. Create content that answers user queries and provides value.
* Keywords: Use relevant keywords naturally in your content and meta tags.
* Backlinks: Quality backlinks from reputable sites boost your SEO.
* Mobile Optimisation: Ensure your website is mobile-friendly for better search rankings.

Example 3: Social Media Engagement Metrics

* Likes: Measure the popularity of your content. * Shares: Indicates content resonating with the audience. * Comments: Shows engagement and community interaction. * Clicks: Measure how many people are taking action on your posts.

Example 4: Email Marketing ROI

* Investment: Costs associated with creating and sending emails. * Opens: Track how many recipients open your emails. * Clicks: Measure the number of clicks on links within the emails. * Conversions: The ultimate goal – how many recipients took the desired action.